Accredited Security Officers
All KYA Guards personnel are carefully screened, thoroughly trained and continually evaluated.
Security officers are PSIRA registered and undergo continuous training at accredited centres. Employment background checks are compulsary.
CCTV Surveillance Systems
The system can be connected to your existing alarm. Now your alarm can be activated before your premises are entered, giving your security company additional time to respond!
Access Control Systems
Access and Egress control form part of our core solution offering. We also install and maintain access control equipment.
Security Equipment and Installations
A wide variety of standard and / or specialized equipment can be issued by the guards on your site depending on the duties being performed.
Internal and External Investigation and Analysis
KYA Guards undertakes sophisticated and discreet investigations for a significant number of corporate, commercial and industrial corporations. These investigations are conducted nationally and internationally.
Pre-employment Vetting
Employment background checks. All potential security guards, controllers and supervisors are thoroughly vetted prior to being appointed. This vetting includes a check for previous criminal records, financial background, veracity of training and previous experience claimed by the potential employee and a check on his/her references with previous employer/s.
Employee Training
Trained at accredited training centres. Undergo continuos training. Trained on site to Client’s special needs.
Training Services: Time Management; Presentation Skills; Negotiation Skills; Supervisory Skills; Customer Service; Business Management; Marketing Management; HIV/AIDS Awareness